Tastes of Transformation: From Hot Dogs to New Horizons

I had my first ever American hot dog when I was in college.

The man I was dating was open mouthed shocked that I didn’t know what a hot dog WAS.

Later, when I spent some time in Germany with my family, I saw what a German hot dog looked like while at the soccer field. (yes, that’s where I get my ridiculous passion for the sport.)

They had hollowed out a brotchen (roll) and put a sausage in it. A brotchen is not a hot dog bun, and a sausage is not a hot dog!

It’s a funny story, but the point is: what we grow up with, or in my case, don’t grow up with, influences how we see the world around that particular topic, habit, lifestyle.

Later still, my husband taught me about pickle relish. Yup. I didn’t know about that either.

So what happens when we want something different? See something different and wonder …

That’s the million dollar question, isn't it?

What is required is a conscious choice to learn other options, to be open minded about those options and to try new and different things. You’ll never know if you like something if you don’t give it a try.

What are you ready to explore? learn? make an intentional decision to do, be, choose differently? In a strange sort of way, your whole world can open up when you change just how you view food and what you buy and eat!

Each time you say yes to exploring, learning, deciding on something different, your world expands.

Here’s to your expansion! I’d love to know what you’ve tried that is new in the last week….